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Holiday Wine Sale Event: Stock Up for the Season!
Cozy Vibes and Holiday Feels at Hawk Haven
Football Widow(ers)
Saturday Live Music and Food Truck at WHW
Recent Posts

“This is a magical celebration,” our Garden State Wine Growers Association’s Executive Director Devon Perry said as she welcomed New Jersey wineries, supporters, and devotees to the New Jersey Wine…
An Inside Glimpse at the Governor’s Cup Award Ceremony

Photo Credit: Jessica Hendrix Photography Do you know what New Jersey’s Governor’s Mansion is named? It’s Drumthwacket. The name comes from two Scottish Gaelic words, drum and thwacket. Put together…
The New Jersey Wine Community Is Heading to the Governor’s Mansion, Again!

Celebrate Valentine’s Day Weekend on the Wine and Chocolate Trail! Wine, chocolate and love come together in the Garden State February 14-16, 2025! The Garden State Wine Growers Association is…